Thursday, September 10, 2015

Българско кино общество готви киноклуб и в Русе

Българско кино общество е общност от хора, които споделят страстта си към филмовото изкуство. Негова цел е да изгради устойчива среда на общуване и споделяне чрез киното и езика му.
Различните дейности включват организиране на киноклубове и изграждане на мрежа помежду им, публикации на филмови анализи  и критика, програми за неформално кино образование и въвеждане на киното като учебен предмет в училище. Българското кино общество има специален интерес към организирането на кино събития за деца и младежи и запознаването им с езика на киното.
Изграждането на мрежа от киноклубовете в различни градове в България ще обедини кино-ентусиасти от цялата страна и ще спомогне за организирането на събития, свързани с живота на кино-общностите в отделните градове, както и за дистрибуцията, превода и субтитрирането на значими европейски и световни филми.
Присъединете се към киноклуба в Русе.
за контакти: Европейски пространства 21
Всеки член на киноклуб от Българско кино общество получава:
- достъп до всички прожекции с дискусии за възрастни за сезон 2015/2016
- достъп до всички прожекции със занимания за деца за сезон 2015/2016

Проектът „Национална мрежа на българските филмови общества” е финансиран от Програмата за подкрепа на НПО в България по Финансовия механизъм на Европейското икономическо пространство:

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

European Spaces 21 Association (EU Spaces) is a non-profit-making organisation, registered in public benefit. We develop activities in the field of culture, media and arts. Our team of dedicated professionals creates and implement different projects and ideas, locally or nationally oriented. We are focused on local diversity, exploring and promoting the city of Rousse and its region as heritage and tourism interesting sites.

Same team of people works in Arena Media: our media activities label: local radio program, television production house and media web space. Here we share our visions on where and how we live, where and how we work, where and how we socialize.

We work for heritage protection, popularization and promotion, using contemporary media tools for digitalization. We are convinced that digitalization of cultural heritage is necessary step towards preserving the common multicultural values of 21 century, but also in synchrony with contemporary world tendencies for sharing the knowledge and culture in internet based spaces without borders. We work with believe how important is preserving the cultural landscapes, counting on sustainable development; for preservation of local identities in the context of Bulgaria’s European integration and use of the culture as resource for local development. We have good experience in multicultural environment, looking forward to establish new contacts and relations with partners from Europe.

We work, enhancing young people to attend our projects, with the believe that youngsters are the present and the future of the society.

We work in boosting cooperation and vital partnership with Rousse Regional Museum of History – creating and developing common projects within the context of culture, heritage and tourism.

Administrative details:

Full legal name
European Spaces 21 Association
EU Spaces 21
Legal status
Non-profit-making organisation, registered in public benefit
Official address
44B, Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd, 7000 Rousse, Bulgaria
Office and postal address
14, Lipnik Blvd, KSUDS, 7000 Rousse, Bulgaria
Contact person
Tsvetana Nenova
Contact person’s email address

12 years of vital activity in implementing projects of local, regional and national dimensions with international participation. Expertise in project designing, implementation and sustainability. Ability to work in environment of transparency, accuracy and accountability in front of donors and public. Ability to attract donors and mobilize resources from public sector funds, national and international programs, embassies and financial organizations, corporate donors and culture operators.

High ranked professionals in the filed of media, public events organizing, project management and implementation. Participation in consultative bodies on local authorities level, ability for lobbying on behalf of public interest.

Capacity to organize events and activities of over 40 000 EUR costs, connected to culture, civil society, media, arts, environment. Know-how to work in media sector, implementing concrete projects for promotion and dissemination. Experience to work in partnership to cross-border projects and international long-lasting projects in the filed of media and culture.

Unique data base in the sectors of media, culture operators, creative industries. Owned direct communication tools in the filed of media, culture and tourism: annual festival The Bulgarian Europe; annual event Summer Stage Sexsaginta Prista. Organisation of Weekend Tourism Fair annual event on behalf of Municipality of Rousse.

A team of inspired people founded in 1999 EUROPEAN SPACES 21 Association, believing that the European integration of Bulgaria is not a vague future, but actual daily-life eager question of matter for ordinary Bulgarians. It started implementing projects, dedicated to civil society development; enhancing the media access for the citizens about their public opinions on important topics; provoking positive energy of creators, artists, media and culture operators. The organisation was registered in public benefit in 2003, under registration number 20031217019 to the Central Register of Non-profit-making Legal Entities Sector in Bulgaria.


Me, The City 2012-2013
A festival for contemporary urban culture in Rousse. 10 days, 12 stages, 40 events focused on where and how we live, where and how we socialize, where and how we experience the art. Partnering organization to Municipality of Rousse, project is supported under Operational Program Regional Development, co-financed by European Union and European Social Fund.

Weekend Tourism Fair Rousse 2013
Annual tourism development and promotion event, attracting 250 reps from tourism sector in Bulgaria, guests from Romania, key-speakers from EU. Focused on culture tourism development. Part of the Fair is Tourism Entertainment and Attractions Festival.

The Bulgarian Europe Festival 2013
Unique for Bulgaria media festival with competition and screening program, focused on European issues in Bulgarian context. The competition runs on anti-corruption, legislative reform and marginalized communities' rights, reflected in media productions.


2009-2012 Ethnography Films
Djamal (A Masquerade Ritual) from the village of Koshov
Lazarki (Spring young girls' socialisation Ritual) from the village of Yuper
Triphon Zarezan (Saint Triphon – the patron of vine-cellars) from the village of Riahovo
2012 Against the Flow: Television Series about everyday life of people along fishery Danube towns (Silistra, Svishtov, Tutrakan, Rousse). How to live here, problems and perspectives, pro & cons of EU accession policies.

62 400 000 Bytes Theatre: Drama and Puppets Theatre in Rousse. First digitized data base of local theatre history: performances, seasons, artists and plays. Images and music bank.

Sounds & Images ART Project: Workshop motivating young people to understand and create contemporary audiovisual art.

Bulgaria Unseen television series project on heritage, tourism and adventures of different Bulgarian cities and regions. History, museums, attractive places, nature, country tourism… Series are broadcasted by different television channels.

European Sound Delta. The Bridge Festival. Under EU Culture Program partnership artistic project, artistic residence and audiovisual festival. DJ & VJ workshops.

Summer Stage Sexsaginta Prista Annual summer festival, started in 2004
Attracting Bulgarian and foreign performing artists, festival’s aim is to promote the site of the cultural heritage Sexsaginta Prista – remains of Roman fortress, open-air exhibition of Rousse Regional Museum. More than 5 000 people – direct audience of the program: theatre, jazz, performances of contemporary art, concerts, involving famous but also young artists from Bulgaria, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Latvia. Over 100 media publications – print and broadcast, on different stage events.

Ailing Planet: Raising public awareness on Climate Changes, Global Warming and Kyoto Protocol, 2007
Realizing an informational campaign among young people from Rousse region secondary schools on Climate Changes, Global Warming and Kyoto Protocol. Creation of 15-minutes long documentary film on the topics, circulation on DVD, creation and dissemination of informational tool: Green Media Kit in 15 secondary schools of Rousse Region. Organisation of public screenings and discussions.
Informed 10 000 young people on problems of climate changes and global warming, involved teachers and parents in the process of public awareness.

Personnel and volunteers:
1 (one) part-time staff, office manager; up to 50 volunteers, working annually under different projects
Equipment and offices:
Rented office space of 150 m2 in Rousse city centre. Owned furniture.
Complete equipment for office work (EU Spaces): 6 PC stations, internet, cable television, fax, 2 printers, scanner, copy machine.
Complete equipment for radio and television work (Arena Media), cameras, hardware, software. Cleared rights music library.
Web page Arena Media label for news, radio, television and internet programs and products.
Web page

Other resources
Well established network of connections, information and contact data base of Bulgarian media: over 250 live contacts and communication opportunities with reps from media sector.
Well established contacts with independent audiovisual production companies.
Well established network of connections, information and contact data base of Bulgarian Culture sector: over 200 live contacts and communication opportunities with reps from culture operators sector and creative industries.
Data base of contacts and information in tourist sector.

We are open for future contacts and partnerships:

Tsveta Nenova, European Spaces 21 Association President
Mob: +359.898.386.351

Dimitar Lipovanski, Arena Media Director
Mob: +359.896.687.676

European Spaces 21 Association / Arena Media
Tel: +359.82.822.867 Fax: +359.82.820.911

Monday, August 11, 2008

European Sound Delta Week Rotterdam&Vukovar

Русе и Гюргево, Монс, Железни Врата, Брюксел, Белград, Анверс. Към поредицата от невероятни пътешествия и срещи с европейските култури, се добавят Ротердам и Вуковар. Срещи на живо или в интернет предстоят на всички, които са любопитни към пътешествието. В Центъра за непостоянни медии в Ротердам или в Музея на Вуковар, работата на артистите по улавяне на звуци и срещи с местната среда продължава. Толкова различни градове, а създават облика на идентичността на Европейската общност.
повече на
Фокус върху партньорите:
Collectif MU (Fr)
Rokolectiv (Ro)
Европейски пространства (Bg) Арена Медиа (Bg)
Международно дружество "Елиас Канети" (Bg)

Ruse & Giurgiu, Mons, les Portes de Fer, Bruxelles, Belgrade et Anvers. S'ajoutent à cette incroyable liste de villes évoquant la variété des cultures européennes, celles de Rotterdam et Vukovar, où nous sommes ce week-end. Vous pourrez nous suivre en direct sur place ou sur les enceintes de votre ordinateur : retrouvez les artistes résidents des péniches en concert dans des lieux comme le centre des médias instables V2 à Rotterdam ou encore le Musée de Vukovar, véritable institution locale qui trône dans une ville encore marquée par les stigmates d'une guerre qui marque encore les esprits... de fait.Le travail de captation sonore tente de rendre compte des états d'esprits et des ambiances de ces villes opposées géographiquement et empreintes d'histoires singulières, tandis que toutes ces villes tentent de composer ensemble l'identité commune de l'Union européenne.
>> Sur le RHIN
Les artistes à bord : Tamara Albaitis, Maria Balabas, Kevin Logan, Aymeric De Tapol, Joachim Montessuis, Sillyconductor l'équipe du bateau Gavroche : Joëlle, Romain, Olivier et Philippe - le blog du bateaul'équipe V2 : Michel Van Dartel, Richard, Joris, Marteen, Anne-Mercedes et Annel'équipe MU : Claire, Pierre, Vincent, Bruno, Miss Ka, Karine et Nico Kevin Logan
L'étape anversoise s'est achevée avec un week-end de lives et du festival Le Placard. De nombreuses photographies témoignent sur les blogs des artistes de la bonne humeur qui régnait lors de cette résidence dans l'incroyable AIR ANTWERPEN (encore mille fois merci à Felix). Ensuite, une journée et demi de navigation nous a permis de rallier Rotterdam à travers le Zélande. Les artistes ont enregistré de nombreux sons disponibles maintenant sur leurs blogs et mis en commun avec tous les artistes du projet afin de réaliser les pièces sonores de l'événement final à Strasbourg (fin septembre, en partenariat avec l'Ososphère). Arrivés à Rotterdam, les artistes ont investi les locaux de WORM (anecdote: les responsables de cette salle sont les musiciens du groupe Coolhaven qui ont sorti un superbe album avec Félix Kubin l'année passée) dans l'un des quartiers historiques de la ville.Nous travaillons actuellement au V2 qui nous prête un espace de travail avec une connexion Internet de l'ordre du Go de bande passante. Les techniciens fonctionnent "à la néerlandaise", à savoir une rigueur exemplaire. Deux soirées sont prévues dans leur salle de concert : vendredi des lives et samedi un festival du Placard (le tout en direct sur notre webradio).
>> Sur le DANUBE
A bord: Gaël Segalen, Thomas Tilly aka TÔ, Igor Stangliczky, Piotr Talmachoul'équipe du bateau Ange Gabriel - le blog de l'Ange Gabriell'équipe MU : Eve Lemesle, Olivier Le Gal, Philip Griffiths, Silvère, Christophe
Une étape de plusieurs jours dans la ville de Belgrade en Serbie dont l'actualité s'est faite ressentir jusque dans l'organisation d'European Sound Delta. Beaucoup de tensions en ville ont fait lque l'équipe a du redoubler de vigilance. Les événements prévus dans le cade du festival du BELEF se sont déroulés normalement. Des lives et un festival du Placard en duplex avec Anvers ont duré jusque tôt dans la matinée. Après avoir quitté le territoire serbe, le bateau est maintenant arrivé à Vukovar en Croatie, où le partenaire local est le musée de Vukovar. Une ambiance particulière plane dans cette ville encore marquée par les guerres passées mais récentes. En ce moment, les artistes et le staff mettent en place les concerts de ce week-end et des installations sonores que le public pourra sillonner dans les jardins du musée.
--> A venir:
* VENDREDI 8 août - 21:00CONCERT en duplex >> LIVE RHIN / DANUBE _ Vukovar vs Rotterdamfeat. Tanakan, Joachim Montessuis, Aymeric De Tapol, Kevin Logan, Sillyconductor, Maria Balabas, >> au V2 (Rotterdam) et au Musée de Vukovar et en direct sur Radio2Radios
* SAMEDI 9 août - 19:00Festival d'écoute au casque : LE PLACARD>> au V2 (Rotterdam) et au Musée de Vukovar et en direct sur Radio2Radios
* PROGRAMMES RADIOPHONIQUES- Retrouvez tous les jours de la semaine un épisode de la saison 1 des productions radiophoniques réalisées pour RADIA. >> du lundi au vendredi à 14h sur Radio2Radios- Une journée radiophonique impliquant toute la scène anversoise alternative (hors-ESD)Jeudi 14 août à partir de 22h - INFOS>> en direct sur Radio2Radios
* RADIO CENTRAAL sur le webL'équipe d'AIR Antwerpen et d'European Sound Delta ont été interviewé samedi dernier sur la radio historique d'Anvers, à savoir Radio Centraal (radio libre sur laquelle sévie Denis Tyfus)>> Retrouvez l'archive de l'interview dans son intégralité en ligne

European Sound Delta Week Belgrade

Пътешествието на лодките по Дунав и Рейн продължава. Множат се коментарите по блоговете на артистите.
Оливие, координатор на пътешествието по Дунав с баржата Ange Gabriel: "Пристигайки в Белград, ни предупредиха,че националистите манифестират и не е добре да се отдалечаваме от лодката. Мисля си за Югославия като за самоубийството на една нация по Brian Laping. Събитията от ESD съвпадат с програмата на фестивала BELEF.
Фламандска култура и гостоприемство посреща артистите на другата лодка: Gavroshe, когато стигат до Антверпен.
Всички събития на
LINE UP sur le site:

Sur le DANUBE A bord: Gaël Segalen, Thomas Tilly aka TÔ, Ludger Hennig; Claudia Wegener, Igor Stangliczky, Philip Griffithsl'équipe du bateau Ange Gabriel - le blog de l'Ange Gabriell'équipe MU : Eve Lemesle, Olivier Le Gal, Vincent Voillat, Silvère, Christophe et Manu (stagiaire des ateliers MU)
A bord et en escale à AIR Antwerpen:- les artistes résidents du projet : Maria Balabas, Aymeric De Tapol, Joachim Montessuis, François Martig, Sillyconductor, Vincent Voillat (MU) et les compères du groupe Les 2 Alpes (l'artiste NG est également présente du fait de sa résidence à AIR Antwerpen)- l'équipe du bateau Gavroche : Joëlle, Romain, Olivier et Philippe - le blog du bateau- l'équipe AIR Antwerpen: Felix De Clerck, Philippe Query- l'équipe MU : Claire, Pierre, Meda, Sonia, Loïck et Nico

European Sound Delta Week Rousse/Giurgiu

Dix jours déjà que le bateau DANUBE a été rejoint par l'équipe du collectif MU et les artistes invités. Du côté du bateau RHIN (qui emprunte aussi les canaux belges) c'est parti depuis dimanche dernier. Une production qui tardait à démarrer. Dorénavant, les artistes désirant communiquer ont un blog personnel. Le collectif MU se propose de tenter le récit des aventure sur la page d'accueil du blog. N'hésitez pas à vous rendre régulièrement sur le site pour y trouver la grille des programmation de la radio RADIO2RADIOS. Les principaux événements sont retransmis en direct et/ou en différé. De nombreuses archives et le relais des radios partenaires sont également programmés.

Първите десет дни от пътешествието на двете студио-лодки по Дунав и Рейн отминаха. Артистите, които пътуват по европейските реки, поддържат връзка чрез собствени блогове. На сайта на проекта можете да намерите актуална информация за събитията.

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Bridge Festival Rousse/Giurgiu

European Sound Delta
Звуков пърформанс и радио проект през Европа
Организиран от MU (Франция), Rokolectiv (Румъния)
Сдружение Европейски пространства (България)
Международно Дружество Елиас Канети (България)
Арена Медиа (България)
7 юли / 28 септември 2008

През лятото две “студио-лодки” пътешестват едновременно по течението на реките Рейн и Дунав от Северно и Черно море по посока Страсбург, тяхната крайна дестинация. На борда им над 30 артисти от цял свят, занимаващи се със саунд и радио арт, работят по записите, направени в 11 прекосени страни.

Всеки от 20-те града, в които спират артистичните резиденции, е нова звукова територия за изследване, но също и място за импровизации и събития: концерти, пърформанси, инсталации, „пътеписи”… Като част от заключителното събитие, звуковите круизи ще заемат място в каналите на Страсбург, представяйки есенцията на продукциите от целия проект.

European Sound Delta кани публиката да последва развитието на това изкуство и звуковото пътешествие, в реално време, от страницата му, където може да се намери: временно 24‑часово уеб-радио, Travel Blog, събрал дневници на артистите, sketch книги, видео-записи, снимки и звукове, които могат да се свалят.

Един поетичен начин да се открие в рамките на едно лято и с ‘крайчеца на ухото’ богатото разнообразие от звукови изкуства и европейската многолика музикалност.

Участващи артисти: Julien Ottavi, Jean Philipe Roux, Aymeric de Tapol, Carl.Y, Claudia Wegener, Dinahbird et Jean Philippe Renoult, François Martig, Frederik de Wilde, Gaël Ségalen, Igor Stangliczky, Jérome Dumais, Joachim Montessuis, Jodi Rose, Knut Aufermann, Ludger Hennig, Phill Niblock et Katherine Liberovskaya, Piotr Talmachou, Rodolphe Alexis, Sarah Washington, Sillyconductor, Spectral Investigation Collective, Tamara Albaitis, Tanakan, Tô, Kevin Logan, WPMG.

Гостуващи куратори: Valérie Vivancos and Joachim Montessuis.

Подкрепа: Проектът се реализира с подкрепата на програма Култура на Европейския съюз, European Culture Foundation, Arcelor Mittal, румънското министерство на културата, посолството на Германия в България, фондация Робърт Бош и други донори и институции, които оказват помощ.
Подкрепа Русе: Община Русе, Областен управител на Област Русе, Областна дирекция Полиция, Регионален граничен сектор Русе, Пристанищен комплекс Русе, Морска администрация, Пристанищна инфраструктура, Регионален исторически музей Русе, много доброволци и ентусиасти.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Нашата мисия е да помагаме на хората
да изразяват себе си в медиите
като свободни пространства за публични мнения